Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Things That Would Annoy Most People, Part 1

My neighbor singing along to Miley Cyrus at the top of her lungs, with the song on repeat.
I'm sorry, I should add, my neighbor who clearly does not speak English. I think she's singing "I coming like a raking bone".

But I'm just kind of tickled. Is she practicing for something? Maybe I should tap on the balcony and invite her out for karaoke.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

German Treadmill Got Me Trippin'



Since I can't google while jogging, I was forced to come up with my own translations. Ahem:

"Start twerking"
(This was hard to do on a moving treadmill, but I trust my new German machine trainer.)

"'STOP'- If you taste drunk, the training is too strong for Bee."

Fair enough.

"Kilometers run;
Calories per sexually transmitted disease; 
Calories given total STDs and kilometers run"

Not bad for my first gym visit in Central Asia!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Comfort Food

I wanted to make something comforting and nutritious and homey, so yesterday I made my first batch of Kazakh tabouleh! I'm glad I acted when I did because today my produce lady said that that was the last parsley of the season... sniff...

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

If I buy a car...

I want a LADA 4x4.

Snapped a quick pic of this car near my building and dashed inside. On my way up the stairs I looked out the window and saw a police officer interviewing witnesses. Sigh.  #icomeinpeace

Thursday, October 10, 2013


Wait, what is this building where you work? A hotel or something?