Friday, March 7, 2014

Women's Day Interview

Today a journalism student asked me if he could interview me for a project on International Women's Day. I agreed, because, hey, he's a student and I'm all about students gaining experience in their field, right?

Student: First question: Do you have a boyfriend?

Me: Is that seriously a question for Women's Day?

Student: Yeah. So, do you have a boyfriend?

Me: No....

Student: Oh (expression of concern)... So, what will you do on Women's Day?

Me: I'm going to get a manicure/pedicure.

Student: Who are you celebrating with?


Student again: Will you be alone on this day?

Me: Well... yeah.

Student: Oh... That's it, no more questions.

...All caught on camera, to be aired on public access TV. Happy Women's Day everybody.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Barred from Leaving the Country

So what am I going do with all this souvenir chocolate?


Sunday, November 10, 2013

Happiness Is...

A flight that leaves on time, fruit in winter, a granola bar, and black coffee.
Happiness is possible in Kazakhstan.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Off the Grid

While contemplating my career and a possible job/lifestyle change, it occurred to me that I might like to go off the grid for a while...

Then I remembered that the GPS map on my phone often can't figure out where I am.

So I'm already off the grid.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Things That Would Annoy Most People, Part 1

My neighbor singing along to Miley Cyrus at the top of her lungs, with the song on repeat.
I'm sorry, I should add, my neighbor who clearly does not speak English. I think she's singing "I coming like a raking bone".

But I'm just kind of tickled. Is she practicing for something? Maybe I should tap on the balcony and invite her out for karaoke.